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Posted in Essential Oil Basics by Rocky Mountain Oils

The Ultimate Guide To Waterless Diffusers

Looking for a diffuser that can be used without water? Then you need to check out the new waterless diffusers!

Ditch the mess and the hassle of finding water to refill your regular diffusers when you are on-the-go, and opt for a cleaner, sleaker, and smaller alternative instead. 

What Are Waterless Diffusers?

Waterless essential oil diffusers, also known as waterless aroma diffusers, waterless nebulizing diffusers, or atomizing diffusers, are diffusers that don’t need water to work. All they need is the bottle of your favorite essential oil. Since our waterless diffuser is chargeable and battery powered, you dont even need to carry around a cord or keep it plugged in when you want to use it. That’s what makes it perfect for on-the-go use, car rides, trip, and more.

Waterless diffusers use cold diffusion technology, converting essential oils into micro fine vapors (approximately 1-3 microns) without heat or water. The molecular structure is not damaged, maintaining its therapeutic properties for easy absorption.

How To Use A Waterless Essential Oil Diffuser?

Some waterless diffusers are different than others, but our waterless diffusers only require the diffuser itself and the bottle of your favorite essential oil; no water or carrier oil needed! The waterless diffuser already comes with its own bottle that you can fill with your own essential oil blend. This bottle is refillable and let you mix and match essential oils to make your favorite custom blend. The refillable bottle also allows you to enjoy essential oil scents that only come in 5ml sizes, as you can fill up the provided bottle since 5ml bottle are not supported.

However, if you want to try out a ready made blend, just unscrew the provided bottle and screw in your favorite RMO 15ml essential oil instead. Make sure the essential oil waterless diffuser is charged first, and then take it with you anywhere, anytime for on-the-go wellness!

Are Waterless Diffusers Better?

Although judging which diffusers are better is based on preference, purpose, and use, waterless diffusers certainly do have their benefits. Being portable and smaller in size means that waterless diffusers can be easily carried and taken to-go. As opposed to normal water based diffusers that usually require a power cord to work, our waterless diffusers are battery powered and only need to be recharged after about 70 hours, depending on use. 

Waterless diffusers, like their name suggests, don’t require any water or carrier oil to function, making it less of a hassle and less of a mess to use. No need to constantly have to refill it with water after a couple hours like you have to do with regular diffusers. With waterless diffusers, you also don’t have to worry about water leakage or spills. 

Waterless diffusers are also much longer lasting than water based diffusers as they will keep going until the essential oil bottle is empty. They also tend to be more powerful and deliver a more concentrated scent since the essential oils are not diluted with water. This makes it a good option for bigger rooms and larger spaces. 

Best Waterless Essential Oil Diffusers


aviva waterless diffuser


While waterless diffusers are still new to the essential oil market, Rocky Mountain Oil’s Aviva Water Diffuser holds the number one spot! Chic, sleek, and easy to carry, Rocky Mountain Oil’s Aviva Water Diffuser is the perfect size for on-the-go adventures. This portable water diffuser is perfectly compatible with any 15ml essential oil bottle and scent. Our Aviva Diffuser also comes with an extra refillable 15ml bottle for you to create your own customized blends in.

The Aviva Waterless Diffuser is portable, battery powered, and rechargable. With a battery life of over 72 hours of constant use before needing a change, Aviva is one of the best waterless diffusers in terms of battery life. The waterless diffuser also has 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour continuous diffusion settings to give you options for how long you like to diffuse. These settings are before for bedtime or nighttime diffusion, automatically limiting the diffusion times without having to wake up and manually switch the diffuser off.

Our Aviva diffuser also features intermittent diffusion duration of 15, 60, and 120 seconds, so you can have your waterless diffuser diffuse without becoming too overwhelming. The Aviva can reach a diffusion radius of 400sq ft, so you can enjoy your favorite scents in bigger rooms all over your house. The lack of dilution and the power of the waterless diffusers also make them a great option for outdoor diffusion if you are looking to enjoy your favorite scents at the park or if you are looking to repel bugs when in the garden.

Our Aviva waterless diffusers come in 3 colors: Mint Aviva, Rose Aviva, and White Aviva.

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