Search results for "Frankincense"

  • Woodsy; antimicrobial & supports a stronger immune system.
  • Deep, calming aroma; helps clear brain fog & reduces fatigue.
  • Medium-strength woodsy aroma; promotes a more toned skin.
  • Roll-on: Woodsy; antimicrobial & supports immune system.
  • Woodsy, spicy scent; boosts immunity & reduces aging signs.
  • USDA-Certified; Deep, calming aroma; supports emotional healing.
  • Boosts immunity: warm, spicy, herbal with Sacred Frankincense.
  • Medicinal-scented roll-on for kids: relaxes, soothes coughs.
  • Relaxing herbal & menthol-like; loosens mucus and phlegm.
  • Sweet, floral aroma; calms nerves and rejuvenates skin.
  • Herbaceous, slightly menthol; calming; soothes tummy aches.
  • Sweet, spicy, herbal; helps with acute pain caused by injury.
  • Sweet, floral; eases oily breakouts & acne inflammation.
  • Bright, woodsy aroma; inspires a happy mood & positive energy.
  • Clean, earthy, floral; May help reduce symptoms of ADHD.
  • Woodsy, floral; for relaxation, meditation, & stress relief.
  • Cheerful, woodsy scent; inspires creativity and positivity.
  • Crisp, floral scent; boosts focus and reduces stress.
  • Menthol-like scent; ready for topical use, eases congestion.
  • Fresh, piney, masculine aroma; clean mountain air, grounding.
  • Third-Eye Chakra: connect w/ inner spiritual guidance.
  • Crisp, floral scent; boosts focus and reduces stress.
  • Refreshing earthy, floral, citrus notes for mood stability.
  • Strong, masculine, earthy scent; promotes clarity and energy.
  • Herbal, minty, woodsy; helps lengthen your attention span.
  • Earthy, calming scent; anti-inflammatory, relaxes muscles.

This or That: Frankincense

How to Pick The Right Frankincense Oil For many, Frankincense is one of those oil that they are familiar with...

Frankincense Essential Oil ...

Frankincense brings up exotic thoughts of India, sand, incense and perfume. The resin has historically been burned as an incense for many...

Sacred Frankincense: the Ki...

For thousands of years, people have used Frankincense as a trading commodity, a natural healer, an honorary gift for royalty,...

Frankincense Benefits, Uses...

Frankincense, often hailed as the "king of oils," has a rich history dating back thousands of years. Known for its...

Why Sacred Frankincense Ess...

Transform Your Skincare with Frankincense-Enriched Anti-Aging Products: Showcasing the unique benefits of Tohi Sacred Skin moisturizer in anti-aging skincare. A...