For Kids

12 products
  • Boost immunity, focus, relaxation & sleep; safe for kids
  • Solve kids' daily challenges: from playtime to bedtime.
  • Safe for kids ages 2+ ; may help ease insomnia.
  • Menthol-like scent; ready for topical use, eases congestion.
  • Fresh, citrusy scent; repels bugs, no harsh chemicals.
  • Citrus-Herbal Roll-On for Peace & Oil-Free Hands
  • Clean, earthy, floral; May help reduce symptoms of ADHD.
  • Safe for kids ages 2+ ; may help ease insomnia.
  • Herbal-scented roll-on for kids: relaxes, soothes coughs.
  • Sweet, spicy, herbal; helps with acute pain caused by injury.
  • Herbal, floral scent; for kids ages 2+; decreases healing time.
  • Black licorice-like aroma; roll-on; for kids; supports gut health.