Mood & Stress Aid

Soothe and uplift your mood with our essential oils for stress relief. Natural and calming, they're perfect for enhancing mental well-being daily.

31 products
  • Soothes skin irritations and supports overall wellness
  • Sweet, mellow citrus aroma
  • Crisp, menthol-like; aids in centering & clearing the mind.
  • Rich, balsamic aroma with woody and spicy-sweet notes
  • Citrusy, floral scent; helps relieve stress & insomnia.
  • Warm, floral, citrusy aroma with earthy undertones
  • Uplifting, sweet floral aroma; promotes more youthful skin.
  • Strong, earthy, floral scent; helps you release emotional trauma.
  • May promote relaxation and feelings of peace
  • Bright, invigorating aroma with comforting warmth.
  • Floral fragrance; soothes grief and promotes healing.
  • Deep, rich, earthy, musky; for stress relief & mental clarity.
  • Bright, woodsy aroma; inspires a happy mood & positive energy.
  • Sweet, herbal, floral; improves gastrointestinal health.
  • Fresh, piney, masculine aroma; clean mountain air, grounding.
  • Roll-on: gentle floral aroma; calming, enhances sleep.
  • Sweet, gentle citrusy & floral scent; promotes deeper love.
  • Warm, citrusy, floral aroma with earthy undertones.
  • Refreshing earthy, floral, citrus notes for mood stability.
  • Promotes a sense of calm and emotional balance.
  • Bright, menthol, floral; may help with asthma, allergies & colds.
  • Floral, citrusy, sweet; helps with balancing hormones.
  • Light, fruity, floral scent; relieves stress and aids sleep.
  • Crisp, citrusy, floral; eliminates odors, allergens & pollutants.
  • Warm, earthy, lemony; promotes calm, gentle energy & relaxation.
  • Bright, citrusy; helps with fatigue & low motivation.
  • Woodsy, fruity aroma; w/ diuretic effects to support urinary function.
  • Rich, floral scent; helps reverse fatigue.
  • Earthy, citrusy aroma promotes deep calm and relaxation.
  • Citrusy, earthy scent; clears negativity & boosts clarity.