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Posted in DIYs by Rocky Mountain Oils

DIY Vapor Rub

We often take the simiplicty of breathing for granted until we are hit with common cold or seasonal allergies. It is frustrating when you can't sleep restfully because you have blocked sinuses or wake up coughing in the middle of the night. The next time you are feeling miserable from congestion and sinus pressure reach for your natural vapor rub! 

While there are many vapor rubs you can find at your local pharmacy or grocery store, most of them contain petrolatum, which is derived from petroleum. This material can be contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). 

Instead of using rubs with sythentic ingredients derived from crude oil, you can make this really easy homemade version. Made with 100% natural ingredients like essential oils and bees wax. The best part is that you can make this ahead of time (when you aren't feeling yucky) and store in an airtight container. 

Natural Vapor Rub

Breathe Easier Natural Vapor Rub

What You’ll Need:


  1. Using a double boiler, melt the FCO and beeswax together on low heat.
  2. Remove from heat, and add Breathe Ease. Stir well.
  3. Pour into a glass jar and let cool.

To use, rub a small amount of the mixture on your chest or upper back to help achieve relief from coughing or congestion. Reapply every 3 hours, or as needed.

Though it’s never fun to have the common cold strike your home, this all-natural vapor rub recipe is here to provide some extra relief so that you can get started on feeling better sooner. This recipe is safe to use on children aged 3 years and older.

The best essential oil blend congestion

Breathe Ease

This recipe features our #1 blend for congestion, Breathe Ease. A unique combination of Eucalytpus, Myrtle, Peppermint, Spruce, Ravintsara, Pine, and Marjoram essential oils. These respiratory-boosting oils can help you from going stuffed up to sighing with relief. 

Benefits of Breathe Ease

  • Supports the respiratory system 
  • Aids the immune system 
  • Helps with congestion 
  • Helps combat allergies & asthma 
  • Makes it easier to take deep breaths 
  • Promotes the breaking down of phlegm & mucus 

DIY Vapor Rub: Your Go-To Natural Remedy, Amplified

Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night with a stuffy nose, longing for relief? Enter DIY Vapor Rub, a natural remedy that's been around for ages, offering both relief and a sense of well-being. The beauty of crafting it yourself is unparalleled – you know what goes into it and get the satisfaction of creating a therapeutic item with your own hands.

Understanding the Components

Essential Oils Used

Essential oils are the backbone of any vapor rub. Eucalyptus, for instance, is renowned for its ability to clear the airways. Peppermint offers that tingling sensation, signaling relief. Lavender, though not always used, adds a soothing touch.

Base Ingredients and Their Roles

Coconut oil and beeswax often form the base. They provide consistency while nourishing the skin, ensuring the essential oils are delivered effectively.

Benefits of DIY Vapor Rub

Relief from Nasal Congestion

The immediate relief from a blocked nose is why most folks turn to vapor rubs. The DIY version offers this benefit without the added chemicals of store-bought ones.

Soothing Muscle Aches

Yes, it's not just for the nose! A good rub down can alleviate muscle aches, thanks to the therapeutic properties of the essential oils.

Natural Ingredients, No Chemicals

You know what's in it because you made it—no hidden chemicals or preservatives.

Cost Efficiency

Making your rub can be cheaper in the long run, mainly if you use essential oils for other purposes.

Preparation and Storage

Gathering the Ingredients

Start by sourcing high-quality essential oils. Next, get your hands on some coconut oil and beeswax. Organic is best, but the key is quality.

Step-by-Step Preparation

Melt the beeswax and coconut oil in a double boiler.

Once liquefied, remove from heat.

Add in your essential oils.

Pour into a container and let solidify.

Best Practices in Storage

Keep in a cool, dry place. Ensure the lid is tight. It's time for a fresh batch if it changes smell or consistency.

Safety Precautions

Age Restrictions and Usage

While DIY Vapor Rub can be a godsend, it's best to consult a pediatrician before using it on children.

Potential Allergies and Tests

A patch test (applying a small amount on the inner wrist) can help identify allergic reactions.

When Not to Use

If you're pregnant, nursing, or have certain medical conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before using.

DIY Vapor Rub

The Perfect Blend Ratio

A standard ratio is 2:1 of base to essential oils, but feel free to experiment and find what works best for you.

Variations and Twists

Add a touch of camphor oil for that extra kick, or perhaps some rosemary for a unique twist.

Vegan and All-Natural Alternatives

Consider using candelilla wax instead of beeswax for a vegan version.

Comparing Store-Bought and DIY

Price Comparisons

In the short term, store-bought might seem cheaper, but DIY becomes cost-effective if you're a regular user.

Ingredient Breakdown

Commercial rubs might contain additives and preservatives. DIY? It's just natural goodness.

Efficacy and Duration

While store-bought rubs might last longer due to preservatives, the DIY version offers a potent and fresh experience every time.

Tips for Maximum Efficacy

Time of Application

Before bedtime is ideal, but any time you need relief works.

Combining with Other Remedies

Pair with a warm shower or a hot cup of tea for amplified effects.

Seasonal Usage Insights

Come winter, you'll be reaching for your jar more often. But it's handy year-round.


Is DIY Vapor Rub Safe for Kids?

Always consult a pediatrician first.

How Long Does It Last?

A fresh batch can last up to six months but always check for changes in smell or texture.

Can I Use Different Essential Oils?

Absolutely! Customize to your heart's content.

What If I Develop a Rash?

Discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

How Often Should I Apply?

As needed, but moderation is key.

What Are the Main Differences Between Store-Bought and DIY?

Ingredients, freshness, and the personal touch.


DIY Vapor Rub offers an incredible blend of cost efficiency, natural ingredients, and therapeutic benefits. Whether you're battling a cold or muscle aches, this is one remedy you'll be glad to have in your arsenal.