Q&A With Carol Radike, Doughkie's Gluten-Free Goodies

Carol Radike didn’t just solve a problem; she turned it into an opportunity. The San Luis Obispo resident refused to accept that her children - or anyone with gluten-intolerance or other conditions - had to live without delicious treats. Together with her former partner, she created the specialty online bakery Doughkie’s Gluten-Free Goodies. She also helped to invent their signature treat, the doughkie: a healthy, gluten-free version of a donut made from ground almonds and honey. RMO was proud to learn that it plays a small part in the delicious doughkie. We recently sat down for a chat with Carol.
RMO: How did you get started with Doughkie’s Gluten-Free Goodies?
CR: I realized how hard it was for people who are gluten, dairy and GMO intolerant - as my son is - to find treats and goodies. Those that were out there, I found to be dry and not great quality. So the doughkie was born out of that quest. Donuts are a classic baked good, and I feel they have a special magic, but they typically aren’t friendly for people with gluten intolerance and similar issues. When I came across a donut baking pan, the idea just clicked in my head.
RMO: What have been some of the challenges you’ve faced in building your business?
CR: There are many. Probably one of the most notable ones is finding the right channels to introduce and spread the word about your products. The wrong ones can get in your way and waste your time. For example, not all farmer’s markets and trade shows are created equal. You need to find ones run by people with the right energy and attitude - ones that are open, agenda-free, and helpful in your efforts to market your product.
RMO: Why do you use RMO’s Lemon Pressed Peel USA essential oil to make your lemon doughkies?
CR: Basically, I found that essential oils hold the flavor of the fruit or herb better than the generally available extracts. It makes a significant difference, and our lemon doughkies are our best-selling product. I’m currently exploring using other essential oils for new flavors of doughkie.
RMO: What advice would you give someone thinking of starting a similar enterprise?
CR: Believe in your product. If you put your product out there initially, and people love it, then you should feel good about stepping out and marketing it. Also, be true to your ethics. Don’t take shortcuts that compromise your product. Your standards will show in the product your create. Thanks to Carol Radike for speaking with us! Visit Doughkie’s Gluten-Free Goodies to find out more about her baked goods.