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Posted in DIYs by Rocky Mountain Oils

FDA Warns Against "Miracle Cure" MMS Products

When your child develops an illness, whether temporary or chronic, what do you do to take care of them? 

For some, they reach for a bottle of "Miracle Mineral Solution", a type of bleach product that is marketed as a cure or medical treatment for a variety of health ailments, including autism, the flu, cancer, and HIV/AIDS. While the bottle may say it can work miracles, the FDA is strongly urging consumers to avoid these bleach products at all costs. And this isn't the first time. 

The FDA's Stance on MMS Products

Since 2010, the Food and Drug Administration has been warning consumers about bleach products that are labeled as "Miracle Mineral Solution", "MMS", "Water Purification Solution (WPS)", and the like. Why? Because these products actually cause a variety of very serious and even life-threatening side effects. 

The FDA has not approved any sort of Miracle Mineral Solution product, but that hasn't stopped people from ingesting what they think is a cure-all. In fact, many mix the MMS products with citric acid before drinking. However, this can make the product even more dangerous. Mixing the sodium chlorite solution with citric acid turns the liquid into chlorine dioxide, which is an incredibly powerful bleaching agent. When ingested, it can cause severe vomiting, life-threatening low blood pressure, diarrhea, and acute liver failure. 

As an agency, the FDA's goal is to ensure that consumers and patients receive drug products and medications that are both safe and effective. Due to the severe side effects of MMS products, the FDA has not approved them, and they have stated that drinking MMS products is essentially the same as drinking bleach. In addition, there is no scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness or safety of MMS products, which can be a dangerous route for consumers choosing to use such products. 

Natural Alternatives to MMS Products

There are so many safe and natural options to care for or treat both temporary and chronic conditions. We understand that, in some situations, people have already tried seemingly countless treatment options that haven't worked, and it can get discouraging. But it is important to remember to use products and medicines that are safe and tested. Using such products can help you avoid making matters worse. 

Some alternatives to using MMS products, including natural products, are: 

  • Maintaining a healthy diet. The food you eat plays a big role in your health. By maintaining a good, balanced diet, you can give your body the fuel and supplements it needs to fight off illness and stay healthy. If you have any concerns or a specific medical condition, talk with your doctor about what foods you can include or eliminate from your diet to help improve your health. 
  • FDA-approved medications. We understand that many people are hesitant to use medications, as many of them do have unwanted side effects. However, some medications can work wonders and can be the solution you need. Talk with your doctor about any medications that can help, and about which ones may have fewer or less-severe side effects. 
  • Get your daily Omega intake. Omega fatty acids are one of the most important supplements for maintaining proper and healthy brain function, and it is also a nutrient that many of us skin over. Not only can a healthy brain help prevent, halt, or reverse symptoms of brain conditions, but it can also support greater overall health. Use our Enhance supplement to get your daily dose of 5 important omega fatty acids. 
  • Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep -- and good-quality sleep -- plays a huge role in helping you stay healthy. It can keep your heart healthy, reduce stress, increase alertness and functionality, help control your weight, and so much more. Talk with your doctor about how much sleep you should be getting, and about how you can get better quality sleep. 
  • Get your antioxidants. Your body is under constant attack from a variety of things, and as free radicals enter your body, they can cause some damage. Antioxidants help protect cells from free radicals, ultimately helping you stay healthy and fight off sickness. You can get your antioxidant intake from a variety of foods and supplements, including our natural Defend antioxidant supplement. 

Natural Home Cleaner Recipes

Another way to protect yourself and your family from the harsh and harmful chemicals in MMS product, you can replace those products (and other bleach products) with these natural alternatives. Even if you use MMS products for cleaning instead of a medical treatment, the fumes that you breathe in and the chemicals that linger on your home surfaces can cause damage to your health over time. Toss the chemicals all together, and replace them with these all-natural cleaners! 

All-Purpose Cleaner
  • 2 cups white vinegar 
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp natural dish soap (not castile soap)
  • 30 drops Lemon oil
  • 20 drops Tea Tree oil

Mix all ingredients together in a glass spray bottle. Shake well to combine. Use spray to wipe down countertops, cabinets, sinks, toilets, and other hard surfaces in the house. 

For an easy-to-use, pre-mixed all-purpose cleaner, try our Tohi Household Multi-Purpose Cleaning Concentrate. Just mix with water, and you're ready to start cleaning! 

Minty Fresh Mirror and Window Cleaner 
  • 3 cups water
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 1/4 cup vinegar 
  • 20-25 drops Peppermint oil

Add all ingredients to a spray bottle. Shake well to combine. Spray on mirrors, windows, or stainless steel as needed. Wipe off with a paper towel or microfiber cloth. 

Grime Away Scrub
  • 4 drops Lime oil 
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp salt 
  • Vinegar 

Combine baking soda, salt, and essential oil together in a small bowl. Add just enough vinegar to make a paste. Mix thoroughly. Use a damp cloth or sponge to apply the paste to bathroom tile, drains, or the stovetop. Rinse well with warm water. 

Tile/Grout Cleaner

Add all ingredients to a glass bowl or measuring cup, and mix well. If you mix in a measuring cup, store mixture in a glass, sealable container. Apply mixture to tile or grout, and scrub with a bristle brush for best results. Rinse off with warm water. 

All-Natural Toilet Cleaner
  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 1/2 cup liquid castile soap
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar 
  • 1 tsp Tea Tree oil 
  • 1 tsp Lavender oil

Mix all ingredients in a large measuring cup or bowl. Be careful when you add the vinegar, as the whole mixture will fizz up. Mix ingredients together well. Pour mixture into a squirt bottle. Spray inside the toilet bowl, and on the rim and seat. 

Magic Carpet Cleaner

Put the baking soda in a polythene bag or glass jar with a lid. Add the essential oils, and mix well to combine. Seal the bag or jar tightly, and allow the oils to permeate the baking soda for at least 24 hours. When ready, sprinkle the mixture over the carpet. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes, then vacuum. 

Hardwood Floor Wash

Combine all ingredients in a plastic spray bottle. Shake to combine. Use sparingly, and hand wipe loose boards or wood tiles to keep excess water out of cracks. Work in small sections of the floor. Dry mop the floor after washing. 

All-Purpose Citrus Wall Cleaner

Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake vigorously to combine. Lightly spray the areas of your wall that need cleaning, and wipe with a clean, damp sponge. 

*Disclaimer: Rocky Mountain Oils is not liable for any damage caused by the use of these recipes. RMO employees first test recipes and share those that did not cause damage to home or person; however, we still implore our customers to use caution before using a recipe in their home. Test recipes in small areas before applying them to the entire surface, and do not apply recipes to areas that are potentially sensitive (ie: priceless Victorian tubs, Baby Grand pianos, etc.).