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Posted in DIYs by Rocky Mountain Oils

Claim Your Power: A Guide to Using EO's for Mental Health

Hello, everyone! My name is Stefanie M. Valverde, and I am the lucky girl who gets to show off her wonderful role as Marketing Assistant at Rocky Mountain Oils. Today I will be sharing an incredible set of pro tips for using EO's, accompanied by reinforced words and support towards mental health and emotional balance in a world so often full of turbulent highs and lows.

Introduction to the Wonderful Being that You Are & the Power in Pausing

Welcome to a safe space, where we will touch on essential oil combinations plus words of reinforcement to address mental health and emotional harmony. We will cover tips on using essential oils for those untouchable, but very much present energies that influence our being, along with reminders of the wonderful soul that you are, and the illumination of the certitude that everything's okay. Which leads me to this quote, “Leave to remain….” Something that sounds ironic but is so beautiful in effect. When I was younger, I heard this from one of the most inspiring professors I have ever had. Coming from a person that could take a step back and analyze, and teach us to do the same, to gain perspective, this was it. I had found my quote! And with it, this next one:

“Sometimes You Have to Take A Step Back to Move Forward” or even in other areas of the internet, you’ll find it written like this:No one has ever won a game of chess by taking only forward moves... Sometimes you have to move backwards to take better steps forward. That's life…”

Regardless of where you’re at in life, of what situations you find yourself in, or how out of breath, unheard, or even alone you may feel, it is never wrong to pause. There is power in pausing. Freezing a moment in time and reclaiming your power. Take a step back and examine, gain a different point of view, and see where you stand.

DIY Essential Oil Blend Recipe for Remembering You Are Light



Combine all of the essential oils in a glass container. I recommend a 5ml glass amber essential oil bottle. Breathe this in with your eyes closed and visualize your feelings just how you want them. Open your eyes and breathe again; this time look at something that gives you strength, anything. It could be a pillow that never fails your restful nights of sleep, or it could be a glass of water that reminds you how substance within anything is valuable, and how small we are in this world, and that gravity will always be here to ground you. 

The recipe above is precious and makes me feel like everything is okay, and regardless of anything, my heart and soul are valuable and I am…. Light. You are Light. I named this recipe, “Heidi” after the 1974 movie "Heidi" or "Heidi in the Mountains" (I’ve attached a link in case ya'll are interested in this too!). This scent reminds me of the mountains and the simpler things in life, like laying on a fluffy bed next to a clear window and having melted cheese and bread for breakfast. I absolutely love this blend and its flowery, almost nostalgic scent. Reminding you of the different moments in your life, and filling your soul with strength and perspective to have the courage to be the Queen piece in a board of chess or a game of chess called “life.”

Take Control of Your Happiness. Trust Your Gut.

In this year (and last year) full of twists and turns, unexpected highs and lows, days of celebration, and days of just pure sadness, we must always find the positive, like our CEO Phoenix Vincent says. The positive exists in everything, even if it may seem difficult to find at first. Gratitude and adaptability are crucial in gaining back your power. But, if you ever can’t find those, know that that is perfectly okay. It is absolutely essential to remember that your gut is never wrong, and in the end, no one really knows you, your needs, your worries, your passions, and your heart like you do. Take control of your happiness and your value, and leave. Whether that means leaving to go take a walk and have the sun illuminate your power and warm your eyelids with toasty goodness, or leaving a thought behind to focus on something different.  It could even mean leaving a cloud of emotions lingering in space, floating, away from you and your serenity.


In this way, you’ll remain. 


Remain true to yourself, to what you believe in wholeheartedly. Remain in peace and lose chaos. Remain empowered and healthy. 

DIY Essential Oil Blend Recipe for Personal Diffuser: Humor in Perspective



Add the essential oil drops to your favorite diffuser! I used my personal diffuser for the softest veil of serenity, absolutely ever. I am in love with this mix inside my personal diffuser. I came about it unexpectedly--sometimes you are drawn to things that you need or love. I use this diffuser blend to remember the days when I was 3 and I was playing outside, creating a tea party, sitting on the cool concrete ground next to my grandmother’s house. Drops of rain fell from the rooftop after making their way through orangy-red shingles and falling with grace. Nothing else mattered but this tea party and that thought brings me humor-- remembering that life is okay, and we can absolutely laugh at things in perspective and take the tension and scariness out of it. Back to this EO diffusing piece of heaven, don’t forget to add water and diffuse away for a tranquil, light-hearted bubble to float in!

I call the recipe above “You’re Wonderful” because you really are. We all are, regardless of our flaws and imperfections; we all are united by the fact that we are human and sometimes we need support, other times we are the support, and sometimes we have triggers and other times, unfortunately, we are that trigger to someone else -- whether we know it or not. 

DIY Essential Oil Blend Recipe for Combating Triggers



Combine all of the essential oils in a glass container. I recommend a 5ml glass amber essential oil bottle for this one as well. Remember to store the container in a cool place out of the sunlight for optimum shelf life. Breathe straight from the bottle, and smile. It’s said that smiling is meant to signal your brain that you’re feeling light and bright. Smile because you’re grounded, and smile because you can. You have everything you need, physically and emotionally, to heal your body, heal your mind, and heal your heart.

I call this blend, “Re-Define.” This blend helps you recenter yourself and gives you the scent-inspired environment to re-define triggers. Replace those heavy feelings from trauma and define them the way you want to. Say, “This is not what it seems,” “this is not what I’m going to feel,” “this is going to change,” “I’m going to redefine this situation.” And you can. Perspective is meant to carry you through the journey in self-healing, Sandalwood grounds you with its woodsy, low notes, and Sweet Marjoram embraces you with love and kindness. I once heard, if you cannot find kindness somewhere else, create it. It is invaluable advice. Channel your takeaways and create magic. Like the sky does at the start of a day and at the end of a day, output colors, fierceness, and talent no matter the day’s events.

We Are Here For You

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope this has reached you in some ways and that you feel heard and seen. We are always here for you to lend an ear, share experiences, and recommend an oil or two that we think you might love! Stay bright and claim your power.