Summer Oils

89 products
  • Soothes skin irritations and supports overall wellness
  • Herbal-citrus aroma; natural immunity boost; antimicrobial.
  • Sweet, mellow citrus aroma
  • Helps deodorize, disinfect, and freshen any space.
  • Smells like a fresh lemon; helps reduce stress & improves focus.
  • Citrusy, floral scent; helps relieve stress & insomnia.
  • Lemony-fresh energy; may help treat chronic pain & arthritis.
  • Clean, woodsy scent; men's favorite; may help with psoriasis & eczema.
  • Woodsy, herbaceous; soothes sore throats and calms coughing.
  • Safe for kids ages 2+ ; may help ease insomnia.
  • Fresh citrus scent; fights sadness & supports immunity.
  • Introductory oil kit, perfect for any essential oil user.
  • Uplifting, sweet floral aroma; promotes more youthful skin.
  • Woodsy, floral; for relaxation, meditation, & stress relief.
  • Bright, zesty citrus aroma; invigorates and uplifts; tones skin.
  • Sweet, tangy scent; high in antioxidants; eases mental fatigue.
  • Crisp, floral scent; boosts focus and reduces stress.
  • Smells like oranges; boosts hair, skin, immunity & reduces pain.
  • Use w/ dryer balls; adds citrus & sweet mint scent to your laundry.
  • Sweet scent with fruity notes; soothes & helps with skin conditions.
  • USDA-Certified; uplifting; high in antioxidants; sanitizes surfaces.
  • Floral fragrance; soothes grief and promotes healing.
  • Fresh, citrusy scent; repels bugs, no harsh chemicals.
  • Bright, woodsy aroma; inspires a happy mood & positive energy.
  • Sweet, herbal, floral; improves gastrointestinal health.
  • Deep, earthy, herbal; hydrates the scalp and balances sebum.
  • Roll-on: gentle floral aroma; calming, enhances sleep.
  • Citrus & vanilla; increases your motivation & energy to exercise.
  • Fresh, citrusy scent; repels bugs, no harsh chemicals.
  • Helps tune out distractions while working or studying.