Quality Time: "Shared Moments Collection"

16 products
  • Citrusy, earthy scent; clears negativity & boosts clarity.
  • Vanilla-like scent w/ woodsy hints; boosts immunity & eases pain.
  • Smells like cinnamon; Sharper Scent, for Pain Relief.
  • Bright herbal fragrance to repel insects; treats Athlete’s Foot.
  • Blend of multiple citrus scents to uplift mind and spirit.
  • Rich, floral scent; helps reverse fatigue.
  • Soothes skin irritations and supports overall wellness
  • Roll-on: gentle floral aroma; calming, enhances sleep.
  • Sweet, gentle lemony; may help reduce seasonal depression & fatigue.
  • Floral scent; kid-safe, boosts mood, anti-aging.
  • Sweet, mellow citrus aroma
  • Deep, rich, earthy, musky; for stress relief & mental clarity.
  • Uplifting floral aroma; soothes grief and promotes healing.
  • Sacral Chakra: Earthy, stimulates creativity & sensuality.
  • Promotes relaxation and emotional balance.
  • May promote relaxation and feelings of peace