Acts of Service: "Wellness Warrior Kit"

33 products
  • Woodsy, floral; for relaxation, meditation, & stress relief.
  • Citrusy, floral scent; helps relieve stress & insomnia.
  • Refreshing earthy, floral, citrus notes for mood stability.
  • Herbal aroma; anti-inflammatory, aids immunity & digestion.
  • Crisp, minty scent; relieves pain and boosts heart health.
  • Fresh, citrusy scent; repels bugs, no harsh chemicals.
  • Fresh, citrusy scent; repels bugs, no harsh chemicals.
  • Spicy-sweet; antimicrobial, reduces stress, aids digestion.
  • Bright herbal fragrance to repel insects; may help with Athlete’s Foot
  • Minty-fresh; calms red, eases inflamed skin & helps exfoliate.
  • Woodsy, herbaceous; soothes sore throats and calms coughing.
  • Sweet, herbaceous; promotes Elastin synthesis for anti-aging.
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  • Citrusy and spicy; enhances focus and stimulates creativity.
  • Bright, menthol, floral; may help with asthma, allergies & colds.
  • Crisp, menthol-like; aids in centering & clearing the mind.
  • Floral, citrusy, sweet; helps with balancing hormones.
  • Sweet, herbal aroma; digestive, respiratory & skin support.
  • Bright, fresh, spicy aroma; energizing oil.
  • Herbal, minty, woodsy; helps lengthen your attention span.
  • Smells like a fresh lemon; helps reduce stress & improves focus.
  • Fresh, piney, masculine aroma; clean mountain air, grounding.
  • Sweet and uplifting; treats insomnia, stress & inflammation.
  • Soft, sweet floral; helps with emotional healing & burnout.
  • Sharp, clean, cooling scent eliminates foul odors; disinfects.
  • Sweet, bright floral; antispasmodic to help control muscle seizures.
  • Strong minty, cool, and invigorating aroma
  • Helps deodorize, disinfect, and freshen any space.
  • Citrusy, floral, uplifting; eases jet lags & seasonal depression.
  • Floral, citrusy; with an anti-aging formula helps tone the skin.
  • Bright, minty; respiratory support and relieves congestion.