
32 products
  • Soothes skin irritations and supports overall wellness
  • Herbal, earthy; good for skin regeneration & wounds.
  • Strong minty, cool, and invigorating aroma
  • Promotes a sense of openness and relaxation.
  • Supports healthy-looking hair and scalp.
  • USDA-Certified; Floral, herbaceous; calming effect; moisturizer.
  • USDA-Certified; Sweet, minty aroma; may help with stomach aches.
  • Fresh citrus scent; fights sadness & supports immunity.
  • Crisp, clean aroma; boosts mental clarity; anti-bacterial.
  • Promotes mental clarity and alertness.
  • Fresh, herbal; promotes scalp health & new follicles growth.
  • Floral, citrusy, sweet; helps with balancing hormones.
  • Lemony-fresh energy; may help treat chronic pain & arthritis.
  • Promotes a calm and relaxing environment.
  • Citrusy, minty aroma; can help with tendonitis & arthritis.
  • Bright, menthol, floral; may help with asthma, allergies & colds.
  • Blend of multiple citrus scents to uplift mind and spirit.
  • Roll-on: gentle floral aroma; calming, enhances sleep.
  • Sweet, fruity, herbal; neutralizes odor-causing bacteria.
  • Sweet, spicy, herbal; helps with acute pain caused by injury.
  • Warm buttery; inspires feelings of comfort, relaxation & peace.
  • Warm, herbal, minty; w/ cooling, tingling sensation to numb pain.
  • Sharp, menthol-like scent; diluted, clears congestion.
  • Travel-sized; invigorating; alleviates headaches & migraines.
  • Herbal aroma; anti-inflammatory, aids immunity & digestion.
  • Fresh, citrusy scent; repels bugs, no harsh chemicals.
  • Fresh, citrusy scent; repels bugs, no harsh chemicals.
  • Warm, spicy aroma; for calm, serene environment & reduces stress.
  • Earthy, herbal aroma; Helps heal skin and prevent infections.
  • Sweet, herbal; helps with nerve function; for faster skin healing.